The blog and the journalism
I’m a new-blogger and I desire to make some considerations about the blog as a sort of on-line diary.
I start speaking about the job of the journalist.
I think that the activity of the journalist substantially is to offer news.
I think not being away from the truth when I affirm that in the substance of the things to make journalism is to speak about others people, about facts and events that can be interest to the others.
Journalism is something that is reported to the others.
We are six billion people, events every second happens, you can report about the past, the present and the future. I believe that material to make journalism exists in abundance.
Perhaps for this reason the Citizen Journalism will be more and more successful.
Reporting me to the blog, for his nature a sort on-line diary, I make this question: to speak of ourselves, to speak of the things that happen but reporting these to ourselves,
to be “Home Journalist” and not “Citizen journalist” is it simple or difficult?
Now I am not able to give an answer. Of course I will find it in the progress time.
Maurizio Romio
To play truant and to be in the troubles
When it is said a off day.
In my time, in the seventies, the worry for the one that “plays hookey” was to run into some teacher on the road.
We see now what can happen to a fifteen year-old boy that plays truant at Vicenza in the morning of November 29th 2010.
This boy gets up from the bed, he does breakfast and he thinks: “this morning I don’t feel like going to school, I will go to make a round trip in down town.”
He takes the bus but he doesn’t pay the ticket (the cost of the ticket for the urban net is Euro 1.20). The inspectors climb. They ask him the ticket, he doesn’t have it, they ask him the documents, it doesn’t have them. So the inspectors called the agents of the local police. He tries to escape but he is taken back and brought to the Command. The boy furnishes in a first moment false generalities. The end of this story?
His parents are tracked down and the little boy reenters to house, he have to pay a sanction for having climbed in bus without ticket, he will be report to the Tribunal of the Minor for having furnished false generalities.
I’m thinking about the fable of Pinocchio, about the fairy and the speaking cricket. I’m thinking about the happy ending of this fable. I hope that in the same way this boy concludes his experience.
Maurizio Romio